Sunday, 24 February 2013

Extraordinary Prints from Ordinary Objects - H

H is for Hair Roller!

On this piece I painted the fabric in layers going from light
to dark using Colour Vie pigments.
While the pigment was wet I used the end of the hair roller
to twist and scrape off some  of the pigment. Then I used
the edge of the hair roller to create lines/slashes on top.

The hair roller is just another fabulous tool!

 Registration is now open for an exciting variety of surface design
workshops in my studio here in Toronto. If you are ready 
to create gorgeous printed cloth and find yourself in 
the Toronto area during the months of March, April or May,
 I would love to see you in my studio.
 Enjoy unique and fun filled opportunities to take part in 
hands-on and in-depth studies of fabric design!
Please visit my website 
for times, dates and more information. 

I used the "bristley" side of the roller to print/roll on the
background red shapes. Then I used the circular end to print
some red and black circles.
I gave the hair roller a little twist to create a slightly fuzzy
edge on the black circles.
The hair rollers come in a variety of sizes.

Here I printed the "bubbles" in black onto a fabric that I had
previously painted in a gradation of burnt orange. I then used
the edge to add the fuzzy lines for directionality.
Hair rollers stuck together for a more organized print.
I printed the white fabric with opaque white pigment,
then painted over it in green/blue and used the hair rollers
to print again with metallic pewter pigment.
Another scraped fabric print.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

SPRING 2013 WORKSHOPS in the Colour Vie Studio

Add some Colour to Winter!

For a creative pick-me-up with loads of bright colours and fun new techniques - How about trying one or more of my exciting and inspiring 
workshops this spring?

Below are the dates of the workshops. For full descriptions, prices, 
details of how to register as well as more pictures please visit and click on Workshops

I would love to see you at my studio at 222 Symington Ave. in Toronto, 

- Feb. 23, 2013
“Extraordinary Prints from Ordinary Objects" 

- March 16, 2013
“Irresistible Resists”

- March 23, 2013
“Photographic Images on Fabric”

- April 20 - 21, 2013
“The World of Indigo” (with Pam Woodward)

- May 4, 2013
“Add and Subtract - Discharging Made Easy”

- May 11 - 12, 2013
“Guerilla Screen Printing on Fabric”

- June 1, 2013
“Cover Me - Journal and Book Coverings” 

"Extraordinary Prints from Ordinary Objects" Feb. 23

"Irresistible Resists" - March 16

"Photographic Images on Fabric" - March 23

"The World of Indigo" with Pam Woodward - April 20 - 21

"Add and Subtract - Discharging Made Easy" - May 4

"Guerilla Screen Printing on Fabric" - May 11 - 12

"Cover Me - Journal and Book Coverings" -  June 1